Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mayans Predictions

                                                    (photo from http://www.in5d.com/)
December 21 st 2012 coming closer day by day, many people around the world are wondering about the Mayan predictions which were predicted by Mayans. As Mayans said 2012 is year of The End of The World as we know it. Mayan Calendar predicts the end of the Fifth and Final Age on Earth. This end is accompanied by earth quakes.

What is the Mayan Calendar?
                                                   (photo from http://home.timeframe-tv.com)

The Maya were quite accomplished astronomers. The ancient Mayans had for their extraordinary knowledge about astrology, the rising and setting of the sun and moon and the movement of constellations and other astronomical bodies in the sky. They made the Mayan calendar according to their extraordinary knowledge.

Mayan Calendar was a source of great power for the ancient Mayan civilization that lived around 2,000 years ago. . It was a bit complex but extremely accurate. This calendar was more like three separate calendars that marked time together to make up a complete calendar

Their calendar was made up of 20 days per month, 18 months, and 5 very unlucky days at the end of the year to bring up a grand total of 365 days per year, with their exact calculation of a year down to a thousandth of a decimal point. These calendars and knowledge of the seasons were vital to the Mayan civilization. It predicted the ideal harvest times, seasonal rains, and astronomical events such as eclipses, and positions of the planets and constellations.

                                                 (photo from  http://www.newsbomber.org/)